Cheez's Item Rentals

My IGN: filmstrip

My Discord SirCheezBall#2592

C Tier


B Tier

Hoe of greater tilling

Personal Compactor 4000

Toil Treecapitator

A Tier

Builders Wand

Basket of Seeds

Block Zapper

pricing works as follows
item(s) cost x time = total cost + collat (see tos)

C items 45k/hr

B items 65k/hr

A items 90k/hr

by renting or buying any item from cheez you agree to the following terms:

  • you will be fair and honest in your trading. cheez will record every transaction along with saving screenshots of discord coversations.

  • when renting you agree to pay collateral, collateral is a trusted item/amount of money which the customer gives the loaner in exchange for loaning the item, which the loaner gives back when the deal is done. this can be done in the form of items and/or coins valued at the item(s) lowest BIN auction.

  • all rentals must be a minimum of 30m, you are welcome to return the items earlier but must pay for half an hour.

  • all rentals work on a stop-watch style basis from the moment the inital trade is completed to when you message me on discord indicating that you are finished. priced to every 1/4 of an hour.

  • if you would like I can include a infinidirt wand for free if you rent a b. wand :)

  • also if you rent prismapumps I can include a magical water buck for free